Changing shear pins on your snowblower
Shear pins in any piece of equipment including snowblowers are meant to break when the piece of equipment is put under too much stress. If the auger becomes blocked somehow this shear pin will break in order to protect the engine and the gear mechanism. Shear pins should never be replaced with any other kind of bolt. It is a safety feature that brakes and protects your gear case in your snowblower. Changing shear pins on your snowblower is also relatively easy.
Each year when you’re doing your annual maintenance, the shear pins should be inspected to ensure that they are not broken or missing. When they do break in most cases they will fall out on their own.
Changing shear pins on your snowblower
If you do need to install new shear pins always use the exact replacement pins that are recommended. Your manual will provide information on the kind of shear pin that you should be used. Also make sure that the engine is turned off . Make sure that there is no danger of the auger turning while you are replacing the shear pin.
It is always a good idea to have an extra set of shear pins on hand for use in replacement in the winter season. This will avoid getting stuck in the middle of a snowstorm. Or not having a replacement, or being able to purchase one when the stores are closed. Personally,I would rather have a couple of extra sets of shear pins than have to shovel snow.
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