Snowblower Maintenance
Winter is Over for Most of Us, especially in the northern US, however for some people in Canada and those at higher elevations you may still have snow and get a lot of snow until even mid-June which is a really scary thought. You even might get a freak snowstorm in May, but it is getting pretty close to late spring and that means lots of sunshine and no snow. The good news is you do get snow is that it will not stay around very long. The warm sun is going to melt the snow quickly even if you have to clean it off the driveway and the front steps. Once the snow is gone it is time to consider snowblower maintenance before you put your snowblower away for the summer.
Time for Snowblower Maintenance
This is probably the last thing I really want to think about at this time of year, but it is a good time to do some maintenance on your snowblower. It is too early to rake the lawn, it is too wet and it is too early to plant the garden or start thinking about planting flowers and shrubs. The ground is just not warm enough, in fact in some areas it could still be frozen.
So why not do some basic maintenance before you put your machine away for the summer and forget about all f the things you were going to do with your snowblower.
Make a List
If you are really not in the mood that is ok too. But at least make a list of things that you want to do with the snowblower. The list probably will include all of the standard things, and we will provide a partial list later on. But it should also include any maintenance items which you noticed while using the blower during the winter. No one wants to work when it was either too cold or not bad enough to worry about or both.
Add those items to your list now and tape them to your snowblower. If you leave it anywhere else you are going to forget where you put the list in the summer or next fall when you finally get around to completing the list.
Here is a Shortlist of Items to Check and Perform Maintenance
- Change the oil
- Empty the gas tank of all gasoline so it does not get old
- Check the tire pressure
- Check the belts
- Grease all oil fittings
- Spray rust inhibitor on any parts that are or might rust
- Check all connections and linkages
- Check and clean the spark plug
- Special items that you have identified
- Special items identified in your maintenance book
That is about it for this post. Just a short one to remind you that you can save yourself a lot of money through proper care and maintenance of your snowblower. Mine is over 25 years old and still running well. I have changed the spark plug once and clean it every year. The oil is also changed every year. Moving parts are oiled or greased to ensure that they are all running smoothly. I also spray used engine oil on the frame to avoid and delay any rust due to the salt. It sometimes picks up salt from the snow that the plow pushes off the road.
Comments appreciated. For more information about repairs and maintenance information, click here.
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August 9th, 2012 at 8:06 am
i really hate doing maintenance on snow blowers and other yard machines, but you convinced me that it is not so bad and much less expensive. I guess we will try this list of snow blower maintenance items