Why Would you Hire a Snow Clearing Company vs a Snow Thrower
Why would you hire a snow clearing company vs. a snow thrower? There are many reasons to hire a snow clearing company, but many people resist because they know that it is less expensive to just purchase a snow thrower. There are conditions which make one or the other more attractive from a financial perspective. In addition there are other practical reasons that make it reasonable to hire a snow clearing company. We will discuss some of these concerns and issues in this post.
Bottom line, it is a very personal decision regarding which solution you pursue. The decision involves both how much money you have and also how comfortable you are in operating this kind of equipment. If you are not very handy and do not like large noisy machines that you have to maintain, hire a snow clearing company.
Hire a Snow Clearing Company vs. Buy a Snow Thrower
These are the main areas that every person should consider before they purchase a snow thrower.
Financial – A snow thrower properly maintained should last many years. Take the cost of the snow thrower divided by the annual cost of hiring a snow clearing company to find out how long it will take you to break even on the costs. If it is less than the expected life time of the snow thrower, then it is a good idea from a financial perspective to buy the snow thrower. in most cases unless you buying an expensive snow thrower, the payback will be less than 5 years. Most machines that are well maintained will last for ten, to 30 years.
Transportation – If you cannot maintain it yourself, you will need to arrange transportation to take it to a repair shop. Factor in this issue to make sure that you can accommodate this need.
Maintenance – The oil should be changed every year or more often in high use situations along with the spark plug. Check the belt tension and lubricate as needed. If you can do this yourself, you can save a great deal of money.
Repairs – Most machines will never need repairs especially if they are maintained properly. Can you change tires, change belts, change spark plugs, etc yourself.
Operation – some people are just not comfortable operating a large noisy snow thrower. Although you want to save money, it may be better to just hire someone. This is a very personal assessment that everyone needs to take into account.
If you travel, are away on business trips, or just do not want to be bothered clearing snow at 6 in the morning so you can get to work, then hire a snow clearing company. It is pretty nice to look out your window and see a clear driveway that has been cleared sometime during the night!
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